Hapdco Gastorin Syrup

Hapdco Gastorin Syrup


For Gastric Complaints, Hyperacidity, Flatulence, Heartburn

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Most powerful digestant, carminative, anti-flatulent suited to all kind of peptodudenal disorders. It regulates the acid level in the stomach and cures heartburn, burning in the stomach, pressure and pains in the stomach, gastric sensitivity to pressures, acid eructation.


Alumina, Magnesia carbonica, Calcarea carbonica, Carica papaya, Hydrastis canadensis, Robinia pseudocacia, Gentiana lutea, Nux vomica, Emblica officinalis, Swertia chirata, Terminalia chebula, Cinchona officinalis, Aegle marmelos, Belladonna, Zingiberofficinalis, Asafoetida.


Adults : One tea spoonful 3 times daily with water or milk or as per direction of physician
Children : Half tea spoon 3 times daily with water or milk or as per direction of physician

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