Dr. Advice® NO. 2 (ANGOVIT)

Dr. Advice® NO. 2 (ANGOVIT)


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Indication:  A heart pain reflex to the arm and finger may convert to an alchemic heart problem, Poor blood supply to heart muscles, narrow of vessels’ lumen. Angove is an important remedy in pericarditis and other diseases of the heart, Violent palpitation, aggravation from movement, Pulse weak, and irregular with sticking pains. Neuralgia extending to arm or both arms Angina pectoris, Rheumatic Carditis.

 Mode of Action:

  1.       Ranunculus Bulbosus Q: Pain in the whole Chest, Violent sticking pain above the left nipple, when rising in a.m. does not move the arm, or raise it-
  2.       Tabacum 6x: Sticking under sternum with the inability to take a breath- trembling, frightened feeling across fit of the chest with sudden and irregular sinking,-Nervous indigestion constant sinking in chest-R.T.C
  3.       Spigelia antheimia 6x:  Violent palpitation of heart, esp. When drawing breath. The beatings of the heart do not correspond with those of the pulse rate, the pulse is weak and irregular.
  4.       Crataegus Oxyacantha Q: Palpitation and rapid action of heart- Angina pectoris, pain above and I. of stomach puls strong and forcible
  5.       Lathyrus Sativus 6x: Heart bum, sickness, vomiting, pain in back so violent that he could hardly move.
  6.       Aurum Metallicum 6x: Aurum met has an important place in the treatment of heart affections of the gravest kinds
  7.       Iberis Amara Q: Much pain  over the base of the heart with dull, heavy pain L. arm, tightening and numbness in the tips of fingers sensation of weight pressure in the region of the heart
  8.       Phaseolus Nanus Q: Pulse rate rapid and almost imperceptible felt his pulse and found it very weak and irregular


(1) 5-10 Drops every hour with water at the start of the pain

(2) Three times daily in regular pain same does

(3) In chronic cases 3 to 6 month

(4) In other heart diseases with angina GOLDEN DROPS also should be taken.

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