REPL Dr Advice No. 11 Acne

REPL Dr Advice No. 11 Acne


For Acne Vulgaris, Pimples with Pain and Pustules

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Acne, Blotches & pimples.

Helps clear eruptions of face.


Calcaria Phophorica 6x: Coppery face full of pimples. Acne in the face, red pimples.shooting pains on being touched.

Asterias Rubens : Red, flushed face, permanent flush.

Kali Bromatum: Acne on face pustules, itching.

Carbo Animalis: Copper-colored eruption in the face. Erysiptes in the face.

Arsenicum Bromatum : Acne rosacea, with violet papules on the nose.

Hydrocotyle Asiatica : Dry eruption intolerable itching, acne.

Phosphoric Acidum : Large pimples on the face. Burning pain in cheeks. Lips dry.

Berberis Aquifolium : Yellow skin, Blotches, and pimples on face.

Sulpur Lodatum : Face dry. Hot and yellowish, encryption in the upper lip.

Calcarea Picrata : Prime importance in sucwring or chronic boils.


  • 10-15 Drops 3 times daily or as prescribed by the Physician
  • in chronic cases 4-5 times for 3-4 months or as prescribed by the Physician

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