
Metatastic neoplasmic glands

Mesodermal tissue of organ


      Hydrastis Canadensis : Cancer and cancerous state before ulceration when pain is principal  symptom.

      Arsenicum Iodatum : Cancer of breast after ulceration has set in.

      Carcinocin : Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma.

      Conium : Gangrenous ulcers, ulceration of bones Panaris.

      Carbo Animalis : Hard and painful swelling of the glands.

      Cinnamounum : Cancer where pain and fetor are present.

      Lapis Albus : Carcinoma, Fibroma, Glands enlarged, Burning stinging pain.

      Cholesterinum : Liver, cancer of disease of.

      Asterias Rubens : Has been used for cancer of the breast and over cancer disease


5-10 Drops with water 3-4 times daily or as prescribed by the Physician

In chronic cases same dose in every 2 hours or as prescribed by the Physician


30 ML


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