

Old burns spots

Pain in burns

Burns & Scalds

Burns confined to skin


Arnica Montana : Hot, hard and shining swelling of the affected parts, yellowish spots.

Cantharis : Burning pain on being touched, from burns.

Hamamalis Virginius : Burns, Purpura, Bruised soreness.

Urtica Urens : Intense burning in skin, Burns and scalds.

Causticum : Burns or scalds, suppressed eruption.


Adult:- 10-15 Drops with water at an interval of 1/2 hrs for new patient 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water or as prescribed by the Physician

In chronic disease 5-6 times daily 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water or as prescribed by the Physician

Children:- Half of the Adult’s dose 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water or as prescribed by the Physician

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