
An antiseptic dusting powder for wounds and ulcers.


Each 100g powder contains : 

Iodoform N.F. – 2.29 gm.
Alum I.P. 1966. – 2.29 gm.
Boric Acid I.P. – 6.86 gm.
Turmeric I.P. 1966. – 6.80 gm.


Iodoform and Boric Acid are well known local antiseptics. Alum has a decongestant action.Turmeric too possesses antiseptic and some local analgesic action. 

Applied locally, Iodoform slowly breaks down and a continuous liberation of Iodine prevents the growth of micro-organisms.
The powder diminishes secretions and keeps the wound surface clean.


Can be freely applied to wounds and ulcers, and if required, covered with gauze and bandaged. 

In chronic discharge of pus from the ear, it can be applied loosely and the ear plugged with cotton. The ear can be cleaned after one or two days. The process may be repeated twice. A third filling is rarely required.




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