Indications :- Eczema, Urticaria, Carbuncles with burning, Pimples, Herpes and Rashes.
Composition :- Each 5ml. contains: Apis mellifica3x 1.75 ml. Arsenicum album 3x 1.50 ml. Urticaurens 1x 0.75 ml. Graphites 3x 0.75 gm. In Aqua Destillata.
Remedies Used: Indication Areas.
Apis mellifica :- Eczema, urticaria, carbuncles with burning, stinging pains. Eczema with marked swelling.
Arsenicum album :- Eczema with burning and restlessness. Itching produces burning, Eczema between fingers and cracks on the tips of fingers. Best for chronic eczema, if there is great burning and itching.
Urtica urens :- Recent eczema on the back of hands. Burning of skin.
Graphites Affects the folds skin, at flexures, muco-cutaneous junctions, behind the ears. Thickening and induration of skin. Thick crusts and scales, oozing honey like, thick yellow sticky fluid, sometimes offensive
Dosage :- Take 15 to 20 Drops in half cup of water daily morning and evening. Or as directed by the Physician.
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