Indications :- Toothache, Spongy, inflamed and painful Gums, Gingivitis.
Composition :- Each 5ml. contains: Chamomilla Q 1.00 ml. Plantago major Q 0.75 ml. Calendula officinalis Q 0.75 ml. Hypericum perforatum Q 0.75 ml. Echinacea angustifolia Q 0.50 ml. Staphysagria 3x 0.50 ml. Mentha piperita Q 0.50 ml. Syzygium aromaticum Oil q.s., In Aqua Destillata.
Chamomilla :- Toothache is caused by taking warm water in the mouth but is not relieved by cold things. Pain is maddening. Decay of tooth is generally the cause.
Plantago major :- Dilution can cure toothache within 15 minutes.
Calendula officinalis :- It is an excellent haemostatic in tooth extraction. Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury due to probable nerve involvement.
Hypericum perforatum :-Toothache. Remedy after tooth extraction when there is nerve pain.
Echinacea angustifolia :- Teeth sensitive to drafts of air.
Staphysagria :- Toothache due to unhealthy and decaying gums. Teeth turn black. Pain worse with hot or cold things.
Mentha piperita :- It stimulates the nerve receptors thus relieving pain.
Syzygium aromaticum Oil :- Clove oil is used to disinfect root canals and helps in relieving toothache.
Dosage :- Apply a few drops on a wet cotton swab and place over the affected area and rub gently.
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