INDICATIONS: Supportive treatment for venous stasis (restricted blood flow), inflammation and clots, varicose ulcers and cramps in vessels of the leg

ADEL-44(VENORBIS) drops are very useful homoeopathic complex which treats the diseases of Varicose veins succesfully

COMPOSITION: Aesculus hippocastanum 6x, Clematis recta 8x, Collinsonia canadensis 6x, Cuprum aceticum 12x, Lachesis mutus 12x, Melilotus officinalis 12x, Nicotiana tabacum 10x, Sulfur 12x

Aesculus hippocastanum (Aesculus) is a very well known ingredient for oedema, thrombosis, venous stasis and the resistance of the capillaries along with neuralgic – rheumatic affections.

Various ulcers are cured by Clematis recta (Clematis), an important healing plant for lymphatic diseases. In this combination it acts against inflammations and swellings, varicose ulcers,inflammation of the mamma, removing pain and congestions.

Collinsonia canadensis is effective against circulatory problems due to venous engorgement. It relieves restricted blood flo, dropsy from cardiac diseases and removes constipation due to pelvic and portal congestion.

Cramps in the calf around the soft and involuntary muscle system is solved by Cuprum aceticum in connection with disturbances of the heart conduction and cyanotic states of the skin and extremities. as cuprum has an important influence to the hematopoesis and procreation of enzymes, it is a very useful ingredient of the complex.

Lachesis mutus (Lachesis) is a leading material in the combination. In the whole body it acts against septic blood poisoning in the venous vessels and saves women‘s bodies from develo-ping uterus cancer, states of weakness, inflammation sensations in the whole bod, restricting feelings of the heart and disturbances in the heart regulation.

Melilotus officinalis is an important plant to support the circulation system, while it stands against thrombotic states and thrombophlebitis for long times. Over this paraestetic states and formication feelings, restlessness in the arms and legs are reported in the remedy picture of modern pharmacopoeae.

Nicotiana tabacum (Tabacum) resolves cramps of the vessels and regulates the functioning of the capillaries, connected with feelings of oppression, heart pains, disturbances of the digestive actions, paretic sensations in the extremities and heat dysregulations.

Sulfur removes toxic materials out of the body. The polycrest shows so much good indications and treats illnesses like hemorrhoids, varicosis, ulcers of the veins, abdominal plethora, chronic liver sicknesses and disturbances of the portal system. liver sicknesses and disturbances of the portal system.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: (Unless otherwise prescribed)
Adults 20 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.




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