ADEL-4 (apo-RHEUM)


INDICATIONS: For pain, swelling (inflammation) and stiffness in joints, fibrous tissues and muscles; gout, bursitis.

The term rheumatism is used for a large number of illness conditions manifested in the ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones. ADEL 4 (apo-RHEUM) drops resolve painful, inflammatory sensations caused by soft tissue rheumatism

COMPOSITION: Arnica montana 6x, Bryonia cretica 6x, Colchicum autumnale 4x, Gnaphalium obtusifolium 4x, Guajacum 6x, Lachnanthes tinctoria 4x, Solanum dulcamara 4x, Taraxacum officinalis 4x.

Arnica montana restores and promotes unhindered proper circulation in congested parts of the body, balances the blood pressure and catabolizes inflamed regions and stagnationsin it. It also helps at the beginning and developing rheumatism in different parts of the body.

Bryonia cretica acts against drawing, tearing and irritating pains in the muscles combined with an impaired temperature regulation and inflammation developed in the muscles and extremities in which each movement makes the pains worse making it important remedy for gout, rheumatism of the limbs and joints.

Colchicum autumnale is recognized as an important remedy for dyspeptic irregulations, but it is more used as one of the best active substances for gout and arthritic attacks in the small limbs, tenosynovitis and lumboscral pains.

Lower back pain is combated by Gnaphalium obtusifolium along with the feeling of numbness and drawing pains in the arms, legs and calves.

Guajacum helps resolve gout – inflammatory rheumatic processesin all muscles and limbs, connected with burning symptoms in the effected regions, feeling of lameness, sticking pains and tendon shortenings.

Lachnanthes tinctoria in its remedy picture shows neuralgic-rheumatic states with pain, stiffness and cramps in the neck, though found in other regions of the body too, forexample in the splint bones and feet.

Picture of neuralgia and muscule rheumatism can be found in the picture of Solanum dulcamara. Ice-cold, paralysed, stiff and battered feeling of pain are the learned symptoms for this remedy.

At the end Taraxacum officinale shows indications for sticking rheumatic pains, in addition, it regulates the metabolism of the liver and the eliminating power of the kidneys. Thus, enabling the body to eliminate metabolic waste products more efficiently.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: (Unless otherwise prescribed)
Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.




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