SCHWABE Senega Pentarkan (Chronic Bronchitis)

SCHWABE Senega Pentarkan (Chronic Bronchitis)


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Chronic bronchitis is defined as a disease, in which coughing persists for more than three months. The epithelia of the respiratory tract can be affected from prolonged cigarette smoking or toxic inhalants. Continuous irritation of the mucous membranes leads to a chronic/permanent dry cough which is characteristically accompanied by the formation of persistent bronchial secretion that is very difficult to expectorate. This gives rise to such a condition of the respiratory tract that it is rendered vulnerable to pathogens and suppurative-inflammatory processes in the bronchia. Infections are the most common identifiable cause of acute exacerbation. Patients typically have a chronic cough, followed by slowly progressive breathlessness and weakness.?

Indications: Chronic respiratory tract irritation and persistent unproductive (dry) cough. Chronic bronchitis.


Each tablet of 250 mg contains:?

Senega ? 125 mg

Antimonium sulphuratum aurantiacum 3x 25 mg

Hepar sulphur 3x 25 mg

Naphthalinum 4x 25 mg

Stannum iodatum 3x 25 mg

Excipients Q. S. to make 250mg?

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:?

Senega is indicated for catarrhal symptoms, rattling in chest and irritation of the respiratory tract. It influences the sensation of burning and rawness in throat, hoarseness, coughing which often ends with sneezing, feelings of oppression and soreness in the chest and difficult expectoration of viscous mucus.?

Antimonium sulphuratum aurantiacum is a remedy for many forms of chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh. It acts on increased secretion from nose and throat, tickling in the larynx, increased mucus in bronchi, dry hard cough and congested, mainly upper, lobes and winter coughs.?

Hepar sulphur has a special affinity for the respiratory mucous membranes, producing catarrhal inflammation and profuse secretion. The tendency to suppuration is most marked. It is indicated for soreness of nostrils and throat, hoarseness and dry cough, choking cough and rattling croaking cough which is exacerbated in dry cold air.??

Naphthalinum is reported to be useful in coryza, hay-fever, Whooping cough, acute laryngo-tracheitis and bronchitis when the spasmodic element is associated with tenacious expectoration and oppression, which is improved in the open air.?

Stannum iodatum has a main action centred upon the respiratory organs, especially chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions, characterised by profuse mucopuruient discharges. The chest feels sore and weak. It acts on persistent tickling dry cough, tracheal and bronchial irritation of smokers, where the cough is loud, hollow, ending with expectoration, and purulent infiltration.?

Directions for use?

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) should be taken as follows:?

1 tablet should be taken 3 times a day.

Children between 6-12 years of age should be given half of the adult dose.?

Note: For treatment of patients suffering from thyroid disease, in particular, please note that this product contains an iodine compound.?

Side effects: No side effects of Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) are known.?

Contra-indications: This product should not be used in children under 6 years of age.?

Interactions: No interactions between Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) and other products are known

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