REPL Dr Advice No.31 Calculus

REPL Dr Advice No.31 Calculus


For Renal Calculi, Sharp Pain in the Kidneys and Back

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Pain in region of kidneys

Gall stone colic

Red sand in urine

Backache in the renal region.

Kidney stone



Calcarea Carbonia : Tenesmus of the bladder deep-colored urine. Urine red like blood.

Berberis Vulgaris : Bubbing sore sensation in kidneys. Pain in the thighs and loins on urinating.

Cholesterinum Most abundantly in the bile and biliary calculi.

Dioscorea Vilosa : Renal colic with pain in extremities.

Lycopodium : Aching in the kidney before and after urination.

Solidago Virgaurea : Urine difficult and scanty. Albumen blood and slime in the urine. Sometimes.

Hydrangea Arborescens : Arrested the tendency to formation of calculi.


20-25 drops in 5-6 times in some warm water or as prescribed by the Physician

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