Medisynth Tonsilon Forte Drops

Medisynth Tonsilon Forte Drops


Tonsilitis, Pain in Throat, Sore Throat, Pharyngitis Lowers Mild to High Temperature

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Tonsilon Forte is a very effective combination for relieving various symptoms like cold, cough, sinusitis which are responsible for causing tonsillar hypertrophy & inflammations. Tonsilon also improves the resistance of a person to fight against common cold & improves general health.


Baryta Carbonica: Helpful for people who take cold easily and then always have swollen tonsils.

Belladonna: Belladonna acts upon enlarged Tonsils; throat feels constricted; difficult deglutition; worse, liquids, a sensation of a lump.

Hepar Sulphur: Helps treat pain which occurs when swallowing or the sensation as if a plug and of a splinter in throat.

Kali Bichromicum: Helps soothe Fauces that are red and inflamed.

Mercurius Iodatus Ruber: Used in cases of dark red fauces; swallowing painful. Phlegm in nose and throat. Disposition to hawk, with a sensation of a lump in the throat. Stiffness of muscles of throat and neck.

Silicea: Helps in cases of stinging pain in swallowing and pricking as of a pin in tonsil.


Adults: 20 drops 3 to 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

Children: Half the above dose or as prescribed by the physician

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