BC 62(Depression Drops)

BC 62(Depression Drops)


Mental fatigue, exhaustion, depression, irritability, headache, food craving. Inability in concentration, helps in appetite symptoms, craving. stimulants

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Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Adrenallum. 30, Arsenic Alb. 30, Insulinum 3, Nux. vom 6. Denothera Bien 6, Heper Sulpher 3X, Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua. dist Q.S

लक्षण मानसिक थकान, दुर्बलता, चिंता, चिडचिडापन, सिरदर्द, भोजन की इच्छा, एकाग्रचितता का अभाव, खाने से लक्षणों में आराम, उत्तेजक पदार्थों की इच्छा।

Properties: Mental fatigue, exhaustion, depression, irritability, headache, food craving. Inability in concentration, helps in appetite symptoms, craving. stimulants.

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