ADEL – 50 Worms Drops

ADEL – 50 Worms Drops


Worms Drops


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INDICATIONS: For symptoms associated with parasitic infections including disturbed gut symbiosis, abdominal pain, unexplained hunger pangs, rash and itchiness in anus/rectum.

COMPOSITION: Allium cepa 4x, Artemisia abrotanum 4x, Hypericum 8x, Juglans regia 6x, Okoubaka 6x, Ruta 8x, Verbena 8x, Viscum 4x, Glechoma 6x

In reference to the gastro-intestinal tract, Allium cepa owns choleretic effects which stimulates digestion, helps in abdominal colic with itching and stitching pains in rectum.

Just as valuable in the complex is Artemisia abrotanum, which in particular shows metabolic complaints accompanied by emaciation in its remedy picture.

The preparation component Hypericum perforatum has proved itself mainly with regard to neuralgia and dermatosis.

Juglans regia focuses on liver complaints, accompanied by swollen lymph nodes.

The West African tree bark remedy Okoubaka aubrevillei opposes the secondary effects of residual alimentary loads of various kinds.

Already in ancient medicine Ruta graveolens was used as an anthelmintic.

Due to its influence on digestive organs, Verbena officinali can also be applied for vermifugation. It has a supporting effect to the immune system and irritated mucosal membranes. Furthermore, it has anti-inflammatory components.

The task of Glechoma hederacea is to stimulate the overall metabolism.

Viscum album completes the complex by its efficacy to the gastro-intestinal system

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: (Unless otherwise prescribed)
Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

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