
Feverish Inflammation of Fibrous tissues and Serious Membranes, Infection with Painful Limps, Dull headaches, Dry & Burning skin, Influenza and Bronchitis.

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Indications :- Feverish Inflammation of Fibrous tissues and Serious Membranes, Infection with Painful Limps, Dull headaches, Dry & Burning skin, Influenza and Bronchitis.

Composition :- Each 5ml. contains: Baptisia tinctoria 3x 0.75 ml. Bryonia Alba 3x 0.75 ml. Camphora 3x 0.75 ml. Causticum 3x 0.75 gm. Eucalyptus globules 3x 0.75 ml. Ferrum phosphoricum 3x 0.50 gm. Eupatorium perfoliatum 3x 0.50 ml. In Aqua Destillata.

Remedies Used: Indication Areas.

Baptisia tinctoria :- It affects the blood causing septic condition, low fever and malarial poisoning, influenza. Feeling of soreness, heaviness and aching of muscles. Putrid offensive odours from mouth, stool, perspiration.

Bryonia alba :- In fever, great thirst during chill, and still greater in heat. Wants to lie down with body ache, headache, delirium with constant motion of arm and left leg.

Camphora :- Shaking chill with cold skin. Covers during fever, uncovers once skin becomes cold. Sudden inflammatory fevers with rapid alternation of heat and cold, followed by rapid prostration.

Causticum :- In fever, sweat after chill without intervening heat.

Eucalyptus globules :- Preventive for influenza. Affects mucous membrane producing profuse, catarrhal discharges, which are acrid and foul. Aching stiffness. Stuffed up sensation in nose; thin, watery coryza, nose doesn’t stop running, tightness across bridge.

Ferrum phosphoricum :- Chill with thirst. Heat with thirstlessness. Sweat – strong ammonical odour debilitating. Pulse – full, short, quick flowing. Used for sudden high fever due to exposure to cold air or cold drinks, over exertion.

Eupatorium perfoliatum :- Violent, aching, bone breaking pains cannot lie in bed. Moans and cries with pains. Muscles of chest, back and limbs feel bruised, sore, aching; after influenza.

Dosage :- Take 15 to 20 Drops in half cup of water daily 3 times. Or as directed by the Physician.

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