,swollen, Painfull, Itching, ulcerated, Redness around the anus, Itching and burning of anus. Both Painfull blind as well as bleeding piles. Sensation of sharp sticks in rectum. sense of constriction


Each 5 ml contains: Collinsonia Canadensis Q 2.00 ml H.P.I., Aesculus Hippocastanum 2X 0.50 ml H.P.I., Paeonia Officinalis 3X 0.50 ml H.P.I., Acidum Nitricum 12X 0.50 ml H.P.I., Hamamelis Q 0.50 ml H.P.I., Plantago Major 2X 0.50 ml H.P.I., Cimex 12X 0.50 ml H.P.I., Alcohol Contains 63 to 65% V/V


6 to 10 drops 3 to 4 hourly.


30 ML


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