

Burning urination

Pain associated with urinary duct

Back pain

Pelvic swollen

Sore sensation in kidney

Renal failure


Arsenicum Album 6x: Bladder as if paralyzed, Bright’s disease.

      Apocynum Cannabinum : Real Dropsy. Hot urine, Burning in urethra.

      Apis Mellifica : Last drops burn and short, scanty. High colored.

      Berberis Vulgaris : Pain in the thighs and loins on urinating. Sore sensation in kidneys.

Terebinthinar Oleum : Violent burning drawing pain in region of kidneys. Painful erections.

      Cantharis : Retention of urine with cramp-like pain in the bladder.

Causticum: Acrid and corrosive urine or path, acquires of a deep brown or reddish color.

Chimaphila Umbellata : Dysuria and retention, constant pain in the region of kidneys.

Solidago Virgaurea : Bright’s disease clear stinking urine.

Copaiva Officinalis : Constant, ineffectual desire to urine. Swelling, urine in drops.


5-10 Drops with water 5-6 times daily or as prescribed by the Physician

In chronic conditions 10-10 drops 6-7 times daily or as prescribed by the Physician

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