BJain Homeopathic Omeo Be Pe Tone Drops Online
The term ?Hypertention? is used when there is a persistent rise seen in blood pressure over a considerably long duration. Normally the blood pressure ranges between 100/60 to 130/80 mm of Hg. ideally being 120/80. The numerator here denotes ?systolic? pressure ranging between 100-130 mm of Hg. whereas the denominator is the ?diastolic? blood pressure and it ranges from 60-80 mm of Hg.Hypertension is classified as primary and secondary depending on the presence of a specific or a non specific preliminary cause. Primary hypertension accounts for nearly 90- 95% cases developing hypertension due to non specific lifestyle and genetic factors. The remaining 5-10% cases fall in the category of secondary hypertension where a specific causative factor can be identified, such as chronic renal diseases, endocrinopathies , use of oral contraceptives etc. Dietary habits, stress and irregular lifestyle are most common causes for primary hypertension.If left untreated , chronic hypertension poses risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral angiopathies, loss of vision, chronic nephropathies etc.
Arnica montana 2X 10%
Crataegus oxyacantha ? 30%
Plumbum aceticum 6X 10%
Secale cornutum 3X 10%
Viscum album ? 40%
Excipients: q.s.
Alcohol content: 65% v/v
- Congestive headaches with anxiety.
- Sudden Epistaxis.
- Dyspnoea, with tightness of chest.
- Dizziness and sleeplessness.
- Pulsations and throbbing felt in various body parts.
Action of ingredients:
- It is suited to plethoric red-faced persons; “Arnica is particularly adapted to sanguine, plethoric persons, with lively complexions and disposed to cerebral congestion.
- Arnica causes and cures haemorrhages of many kinds : dilatation and rupture of small blood-vessels.
- Vertigo when shutting eyes. Pressive pains in the head, principally in the forehead.
- Acts on muscle of heart, and is a heart tonic.
- Palpitation and rapid action of heart.
High arterial tension.
- Arteriosclerosis, said to have a solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries.
Plumbum aceticum :
- Anxiety about the heart, and violent palpitation; paralysis of the limbs.
- Vertigo, with trembling of head, aggr. on stooping or looking upward. Stupefaction and somnolence.
- Vertigo: constantly increasing; with stupefaction and heaviness of head.
- Pulsations in head with giddiness, she cannot walk.
- Congestion to head and chest. Headache; hemicrania on left side.
- Passive morning epistaxis from left side, bright red.
- Violent throbbing of the carotids; faint for several hours.
- Hypertensive albuminuria.
- Persistent vertigo..
- Intense throbbing headache; Giddiness; Conjunctiva injected.
- Just when going off to sleep heart gave two severe thumps, then went off beating at a great rate.
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