
Indications :- Leucoderma (White Patches), Vitiligo, Skin Diseases, Discoloration of skin.

Composition :- Each 5ml. contains: Hydrocotyle asiatica Q 1.00 ml. Myristica sebifera Q 1.00 ml. Arsenicum album 3x 1.00 ml. Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum 3x 1.00 gm. Natrum muriaticum 3x 0.75 gm. In Aqua Destillata.

Remedies Used: Indication Areas.

Hydrocotyle asiatica :- Hypertrophy and induration of connective tissue due to interstitial inflammation and cellular proliferation.

Myristica sebifera :- A remedy of great antiseptic powers.

Arsenicum album :- Arsenic album is a good remedy for Leucoderma.

Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum :- A specific for Leucoderma.

Natrum muriaticum :- Leucoderma with greasy oily skin.

Dosage :- Take 15 to 20 Drops in half cup of water daily 3 times. Or as directed by the Physician.

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