

Acute inflammation of the tonsils is a common painful condition mostly in children which should not be neglected because of the serious complications which sometimes occur like rheumatism and glomerulonephritis.

1) Acute tonsillitis may have the tonsil involved as general inflammation of the pharynx or it may be follicular which is a very common form where the tonsil is red and swollen and becomes filled with pus. It is a very painful condition, pain sometimes extends to the ears. Tonsillitis is abrupt in onset. It starts with sore-throat, difficulty swallowing associated with malaise, fever, headache and pain in limbs.

2) Chronic tonsillitis may occur in persons who had repeated acute attacks. Tonsils form a part of a ring of lymphoid tissue which is situated in the upper air passages working as the first line of defence against infection entering either by respiratory or digestive tracts. The second line of defence consists of cervical glands, which drain it. In chronic conditions, the inflammation can spread to surrounding organs.

3) Alpha – Tons takes care of most problems related to tonsillitis.

Indications: Acute and chronic inflammation of the tonsils.


Each tablet of 250mg contains:

Atropinum sulphuricum 5x 12.5 mg

Hepar sulphuris 3x 10.0 mg

Kalium bichromicum 4x 50.0 mg

Mercurius biniodatus 8x 25.0 mg

Silicea 2x 5.0 mg

Excipients Q.S. to make 250 mg

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Atropinum sulphuricum: It is the main alkaloid of Belladonna and has been reported to give immediate relief of enhanced quantum expected of the drug Belladonna. Inflammations are relieved, pain is lowered and circulation is improved. It covers pulsating pain, redness, warm swelling and dry throat.

Hepar sulphuris: Sore throat, scraping and shooting pain in the throat and even into the ears, as from splinters on swallowing, coughing, breathing and turning the head. Difficulty in speaking and in swallowing are lowered. Hawking up of mucus and dryness in the throat are alleviated.

Kalium bichromicum: It covers erythema of soft palate, bright or dark red, uvula relaxed, edematous – bladder like, with sensation of a plug in throat which is not better by swallowing. It helps lower the discharge from the mouth and throat which tends to be tough and stringy. It is indicated for chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis

Mercurius biniodatus: Quinsy, follicular tonsils, dark red, swallowing painful, hawks mucous from posterior nares with the sensation of a lump in the throat, hawks up a hard, green lump. The stiffness of the muscles of the throat and neck is also relieved.

Silicea: It covers a sore throat with an accumulation of mucus in the throat, severe tonsillitis, pain from excoriation and pricking, and swelling of the palate and uvula with difficult deglutition. Expectations of little granules like shot, which when broken smell very offensive, are also covered by this medicine. It stimulates the healing process in general.

DOSAGE :- Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets every hour in acute conditions. As the symptoms improve, 1-2 tablets every 3 hours. If symptoms do not improve, see your physician.

Side effects: No side effects of Alpha – Tons are known.

Contra-indication: No contra-indications for the use of Alpha – Tons are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Alpha-Tons and other products are known.

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